Sunday, June 12, 2005

Senator Feinstein and Senator Hagel on Gitmo abuse reports

This is a letter I sent today to Senator Feinstein, as she and Senator Hagel, who both serve on the Select Intelligence Committee, were on CNN commenting on a report of a log book kept at Gitmo which kept track of prisoner abuse in 2002 and 2003. The original report which published the log was Time magazine.

"I saw you on CNN this morning with Senator Hagel. You both sounded correct and I know you chose your words carefully. But this treatment of prisoners at Gitmo, if true, now is making me ashamed to be an American. It does sound like a pattern of behavior that is prevalent. The Pentagon leadership may be minimally guilty of acts of negligence, if not complicity, if this is found true. You and Senator Hagel must hold hearings and get to the bottom of this and hold senior people accountable, and I stress accountable. This belongs at the steps of the civilians in leadership positions in the Pentagon, if not Rumsfeld himself."


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