Thursday, January 03, 2008

An Open Letter to Iowa voters

This is reposted from August 19th and appropriate as we are just a couple of days from the Iowa Caucus. Here's what I am asking of the voters of Iowa:

My fellow Americans, in your hands is the opportunity to influence the rest of America. The media has already done a good job for you of selecting your Democratic choice for president. It is all but a slam dunk for Hillary to be the candidate for President and to end this idea of the people's choice in just a few months. Unfortunately, there are many good candidates who won't have a chance. You can change that by shaking up this coronation by how you vote in your Caucuses.

Ask yourself the following questions:

If I didn't vote for Hillary who would I vote for?
Who do I trust more on Foreign Policy decisions when it comes to Iraq?
What message do I want to send to the rest of America with my vote?

If you would be willing to share your answers here, I would be most interested in reading them. I watched the ABC debate today and had some refreshing insights into some of these leaders , especially the conversation about Iraq and ending the war and also on the issue of Education and teachers. Let's hope that Iowans were watching as well. This is the most important election in the past 50 years. Our very survival and standing in the world depends on all of us making the best decision to preserve our Constitution and restore our image across the world, as a country that indeed is one of compassion, peace, and wisdom.

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