Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Headline reads "Senate Passes Bill to Expand U.S. Spying Powers"

This day, while people were voting in the Potomac region of the country, a vote was held and what was passed was immunity for telephone companies to face charges for their part in turning over telephone records, under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, to the government. Many tried to stop this Bill as there was a lot of fundraising from the usual suspects to help fund money to stop the Bill from passing. Well they lost. Now there is no accountability by the telephone companies for turning over records to the government on any phone calls you make. To read the entire article click here.

Again it is amazing to me how many Democrats voted for the Bill. John McCain returned to the Senate from campaigning today to vote in favor of passing the Bill. Hillary and Barack Obama did not vote. It didn't make a difference, as there were 14 Senators and Independent Joe Lieberman that voted for the Bill. Here is the list of Democratic Senators that voted in favor of the Bill:

(D) Baucus MT
(D) Carper DE
(D) Conrad ND
(D) Inouye HI
(D) Johnson SD
(D) Landrieu LA
(D) Lincoln AR
(D) McCaskill MO
(D) Mikulski MD
(D) Nelson FL
(D) Pryor AR
(D) Rockefeller WV
(D) Webb VA
(D) Whitehouse RI

I am proud of my 2 State Senators for voting against the Bill, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, but I am so disappointed at the others who voted in favor of this Bill. Most of these Democrats should be replaced by new Democrats, that want a better America, an America, where there is accountability and not a free pass. It was easy not to object as a CEO of a major telephone company, and financial supporter of the Administration, to the intrusion by the Bush Administration into turning over phone records.

If you look at the previous post you will see some of the same names voting with the Republicans. This must change also in the upcoming election of 2008. Any of these Senators up for reelection, hopefully will be defeated by a better person who has the courage to stand up for the Constitution and our r

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