Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anticipating the final Presidential Debate

There is only 2 1/2 hours before the final debate will be held and hosted by Bill Schieffer of CBS. In the commentary of the past few hours by the Main St. media, they are apparently looking for McCain to start a fight, using character associations over issues as the catalyst. If that's what happens by McCain, then we all lose. If it starts to go that way, we should all shut off our televisions or change the channel to watch a movie. They keep track of the number of viewers. It is expected that over 70 Million will view the debate. If the mud starts being thrown, just vote for the choice you have already made. Forget those undecided voters. They just crave attention anyway.

They say McCain is a maverick. Well, if you call picking an unknown, as your VP running mate a maverick, that certainly isn't the kind of maverick we need at this time. Just think of the risk we are taking if he chooses his Treasury Secretary the same way. Barack on the other hand has both Paul Vocker former Fed Chairman and Warren Buffet as advisors. In this case their association with Barack shows the measure of the man. Why else would such greats be advising Barack?

We need hope and trust again in our leaders. Obama is not really a fixture in Washington as he has served as a Senator only a relative few years as compared to McCain. And he has lived a more modest life and struggled as most of us have to make something of ourselves. I say we break with tradition and give Barack a real chance. We are all going to need to make some sacrifices. Who better to lead us in those sacrifices then someone who has struggled his whole life against many odds.

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