Friday, February 06, 2009

Where to put some Stimulus?

Everyone is talking about a stimulus package needed to create jobs. But no one has mentioned the fact that we had a huge need that has been forgotten. It was to rebuild all the infrastructure in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina. Another major project is fixing the levees around the City of Sacramento. Another is to change city piping carrying our fresh water in all major cities. In the west, we have significant water shortages and could use better pipes to prevent loss as it is carried to our homes.

Look, there's plenty of things needing fixing. Tax cuts don't do it for mist Americans because the salaries aren't that hugh anyway. Besides the kinds of tax cuts being discussed help those making over $250,000/year and disproportionately favor the wealthiest Americans. It's time to stop that. Want to help give back confidence to investors and the American people? The pass legislation to claw back the bonuses and excessive compensation from firms getting TARP funds from the Government and the CEO's that lead them.

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