Friday, July 22, 2005

Distinctions: Suicide bombers and Radical Clerics

We need to make distinctions in our approach to solving our problem of terrorism in the world. Yes we have a problem with suicide bombers who are willing to die to scare us and harm us across the globe. We have been reacting to the terrorists. Even this morning several major cities including New York and Boston, new security measures are being implemented in their Mass Transit systems as a reaction to the bombings and attempted bombings yesterday in London. It appears the only strategy we have as a country is one of reacting to it. Another alternative is being proactive and taking actions before we see new examples of places terrorists attack. An example is that so much attention has been given in the media to protecting Chemical Plants and our sea ports with all the containers coming into the U.S., and yet, not much has been done. Do we need an attack to take actions? The 9/11 Commission outlined many actions that should be taken and so far, many recommendations are falling on deaf ears, especially within the Bush Administration.

Getting back to distinctions: We must develop proactive strategies to engage moderate and even radical Muslim clerics in a dialogue to search for solutions for the world to have more peace. I implore other bloggers to promote some reaching out to the Muslim community to engage in dialogue and discussions to stop this cancer before there is no turning back.


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