© 2004 Sue Randall Link
Wesley Clark has the right idea as to what to do to turn this Iraq thing around. Read all about it
here. In a previous posting on “Questions for President Bush”, I had identified several questions which if the President thought about and tried to answer, not for me, but for himself, he would have known what to do to have a winning strategy in Iraq. But Clark has saved him the time to think about it and has provided a check list that Bush or Rumsfeld should just follow. And former Nato Commander Clark, has done it all for free, without any high consultancy fees and without trying to claim the glory of doing it. You can't pay someone to be this honest and forthright in speaking directly to this President and Vice President about what they need to do. All the others around them are yes men and women, or have wisely left this Administration. Mr. President, it is not too late to change your strategy, but it will be too late soon. Have the courage for once in your life and do the right thing in place of the "Staying the Course" strategy which clearly, even to a fool, has failed!
UPDATE: Sunday August 28, 2005
General Wesley Clarke was on Meet the Press this morning and basically reiterated his comments regarding Iraq from the Washington Post Op-Ed piece of Friday. He was joined by 3 other Generals, Gen. Barry McCaffrey (ret.), Gen. Wayne Downing (ret.) and Gen. Montgomery Meigs (ret.). Wesley Clark had the best grasp of the realities on the ground and the separate tracks that need to be pursued including especially a diplomatic one involving nieghbors of Iraq, namely Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. Hats off to General Clark. I hope someone is listening. Downey seemed to lack backbone to call the situation what it was, and was more supportive of Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld than is warranted by the results to date. At least McCaffrey called it the way it is on Rumsfeld's performance or lack thereof, as did Clark. Downey seemed like an Administration mouthpiece.
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