Thursday, October 27, 2005

Salman Rushdie on solving terrorist issue

Today on CNN's Lou Dobbs, guest Salman Rushdie says that Fundamental Islamic extremists have hijacked Islam from moderate Islamists and the only way this problem is going to be solved is by moderates standing up and taking back their religion. Salman Rushdie was the author who wrote the Satanic Verses, mocking Islam, and thereby prompting Iranian clerics to issue a Fatwa to kill Rushdie.

I have said here many times that this problem must be solved within the Muslim community of moderates. Read my July 8, 2005 posting titled: What to do about terrorists? It was written a day before NY Times writer Tom Friedman wrote a similar piece which I also mentioned on the following day's posting.

Many have come to the same conclusion. The problem is that most moderates are afraid of offending these extremists, and incurring their wrath. But my hats off to Salman Rushdie for having the courage to stand up and be counted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y do we really need any suggestion from that cheap minded Rushdi. It’s an insult to interview an enemy of Islam and Muslims to give opinion about Islam and Muslims. Shame on CNN. And worse u are qoating him. Look I'm not extrimst, I live with many from different back grounds. But wen it comes to the likes of Rushie Extrimizim is the best way there is. They just think that they can say any thing they want and just live with it.

Wat a waste of time to even comment of this egnorent guy.

5:50 AM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

Hayat, I accept your comment on Rushdie but do you agree that moderate Muslims should take back Islam from the extremists?

6:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look Charles, Me as a Muslim is indifferent about this guys you call extremists, becuase at times they really seem to be there were they are needed (When Islam and Muslims are hurt and murdered) when those u call Moderate Muslims are out there talking the real thing about Islam but doing nothing in action. But I also want them, extremists out when they are were they are not needed, killin innocent and taking justice in to their hands as if they are the only once to bring Justice.

Any ways there is one realty and that I can c it from your posts that u kinda understand. Just live it to us, hu to reject and hu to accept. We are not that poor to differentiate b/n the good and the evil. We have our own rules and regulation for every matter concerning the Muslim nation as well as the Non Muslims.

And the other thing is that the term Modern is also relative. God Knows wat kinda person you call a Moderate person or Muslim but I doubt if you may call a dedicated Muslim hu goes by all the rules of Islam as Moderate.

Good to read your opinions.

6:40 AM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

Hyat, I have a problem with the killing of innocent Iraqi's, innocent Palestinians, and any innocent people. I have not the same feeling for military as they choose violence, nor do I have the same feelings for government officials as they often are the causes of problems that incite people. One thing we could both agree on. Let's pray the innocent are sparred more horror and sacrifice. Children are inncoent in any culture.

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Charles, I do agree that we should all pray about this thing. It is a very important month for Muslims, this Ramadan Month is so I will really be making Du'a (Prayer) about our peace in this world of ours.

There is a saying by Mother Teressa that I really love."If we don't have peace, it means we have forgoten that we belong together."

If only we can realize and belive that we all are the creation of one Who is Suprime and that we all belong to gether and are the species Human Being.

Our differnces should be seen as some thing like our body parts with different functions. If only we can c eachother as one building in which if a corner ston or a side of the wall is removed it clapses.

But this is just a wish I know. We seem to have a feeling that the other party we think as our enemy is a body part of an Elian which came to the world to destroy our democracy, our religion, our race or some things like that. We think that this enemy rather than a corner stone or a wall of our building, it is a Berlin wall that should be demolished and destroyed forever.

I Pray that justic and peace over takes the misry of this world. And I'm sure what ever your religion could be you Charles would join me with this.


7:19 AM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

I agree with you, Hayat. You are an enlightened one. Yes, I most happily join you in this prayer. prayer is truly what the world has forgotten. Prayers for peace should be on everyone's lips. They are on mine. Peace to you my bretheren.

7:35 AM  

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