Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tom Brokaw's "To War and Back" must see TV

I taped a show and watched it last night. Tom Brokaw's "To War and Back" was must see TV. It brought the war in Iraq home to all of us in a very personal way that I'm sure this Administration does not want us to see. They showed a small town in Glenn Falls, NY and a group of friends who decided to go in together and watch each other's back. One didn't make it back, 3 were injured badly and all suffer reentry problems caused from Post Tramatic Stress disorder. I was touched by their closeness and frankness. Their emotions were not visible but I could see them just below the surface. There was much that went on over there that unless you were there they said, you can't appreciate. They can't talk about what they did there except to themselves. The horror of war had obviously taken its toll.

This documentary by Brokaw has put a human face on this tragic episode in our history as a country. These brave men deserve all our support. But lest you forget this was a war of choice by those who have not served. The Chicken Hawks like Cheney who had 5 deferments and is the biggest hawk in this war should see the consequences of his actions and be required to personally visit every family who has paid the ultimate sacrifice and be present at every returning funeral, from when the casket arrives at the home town airport, to their final burial.

At this holiday time, I give praise and thanks to all the men and women of our armed forces. I pray to God that you are brought home safely soon to your waiting families. For those that have returned home I say you will always be able to hold your head up high in honor of your fellow comrades. Help us help you by speaking out more so you allow us to heal along with you.

This war has made me very angry at President Bush and VP Cheney and it has sickened me that we as a country allowed this war to unfold without having the world there with us as we did by Bush 41, King George's father. But this son didn't listened to the wisdom of his father and elders. He and Cheney and the rest of the idealogues think they know what is best for all of us. I wish they were personally there fighting for what they believe in. If they were, this war would have been over just after it started. I leave you with the picture that has been hidden so many times and that this Administration has gone out of its way to hide from us all of returning caskets of our fallen heroes.

Thanks Tom Brokaw for focusing on this issue and presenting a very personal closeup of a group of friends from Glenn Falls, NY and their detour "To War and Back"


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