Friday, January 27, 2006

Sen. Kerry and the filibuster of Alito

I received an email by Senator John Kerry yesterday saying that he supported a filibuster of Judge Alito and he was asking me to contact my Senator to tell them to support the filibuster also. I sent an email back to Sen Kerry saying the following:

"In all honestly and being realistic, a successful filibuster would only lead to a more conservative neo-con being put forward by Bush. In addition, is this the fight you want to have against the Republicans. I don't think we can win this one. I do believe there is more support for hearings into the President's abuse of power from Wire-tapping without court approval and oversight. I think we need to choose fights wisely. We have made the point through the vote that Democrats did not support Alito. In a way, we won that argument. If we find ourselves negatively impacted by the courts, it might spur more to vote and more to vote Democratic. We cannot rescue America from an apathetic electorate. There must be consequences for inaction. Anyway, that's my view."

The more I thought about it the more I am convinced the Democrats are splintered and haven't got a clue as to how to stand up and be reckoned with as a political party and what priorities are important to the rest of us.


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