Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sen. Biden's silence speaks volumes on the Illegal Immigration issue!

Senator Joe Biden has been conspicuously absent from the discourse on Illegal Immigrants, all while the Judiciary Committee, which he belongs to, has sent from Committee a proposal to deal with this issue. Sen. Biden, a Presidential hopeful for the 2008 election and often an outspoken critic of the Administration, has not been seen or heard from. As you know, I have been an ardent supporter of Sen. Biden. If he wants to get a shot at being the nominee in 2008, he must wade into emotional topics such as Illegal Immigration, and voice his preferences on the topic. This is no time to be silent. He is acting too political and tackling only safe topics and we deserve more from him. Come on Senator, speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may!


Blogger Charlie said...

I wonder if staying silent on this issue isn't a bad idea. It is one that is getting lots of people worked up and may not actually be successful in producing legislation. Was Senator Biden in on the Judiciary committee meetings on the issue? If so, did he speak up then?

I saw Senator Biden speak last week and I was rather impressed with him. My first choice for President in 2008 is Chuck Hagel, though.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

It depends on what your goal is Charlie on whether staying silent is a good idea or not. He is going to make a run for President and wants to know if he has enough support to have a chance. Well, if he hasn't got the courage to put himself out there on this issue that has so many Americans concerned, then how can people know whether they want to support him or not. He is liable to get a false sense that he has a great chance because noone has shown dislike for him or that many don't know where he stands on the issue. I can't stand that when Hillary Clinton does the same thing and doesn't have the courage to take a stand, as it may offend some voters down the line. I want to support a candidate that has some guts and puts themself out there. Chuck Hagel certainly fits that profile for me as well. He has been a breath of fresh air these past few years especially when he has hammered this Administration for having no plan to win in Iraq, torture at Abu Ghraib, as well as wire-tapping without FISA Court authorization. You see Charlie, you are also attracted to someone willing to have courage to go against conventional wisdom and not hide below the radar screen on hot topics. Thanks for your comment.

6:19 AM  

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