Monday, March 13, 2006

Sen. Russ Feingold- Censure proposal

I know all the people frustrated with President Bush want to jump on this censure movement, but I will tell you why it's not a good idea. First of all, if Bush broke the law and continues to break the law, then the appropriate punishment is impeachment. And by the way, I think it was illegal and is illegal and fits the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" defined in the Constitution. But now here's the dilemma, if we go for impeachment we will lose because the Republicans own all branches of government. But let's assume that there would be enough Republicans facing reelection that joined the Democrats. Then what? Well, if they were successful and Bush were impeached and replaced, VP Cheney would assume the Presidency. Noone really wants that do we. But that would galvanize the Republicans and the Democrats would lose 2006 election and possibly 2008. The only acceptable strategy for winning back Congress is patience, speaking out on issues like Wire Tapping, UAE Port deal and other missteps like Katrina. Believe me, there will be many more missteps before the 2006 elections and for sure the 2008 elections. As my mother use to tell me, "Patience is a Virtue!" The Democrats and the rest of America that is in the 59% Dissaproval rating of Bush will need plenty of patience but it is the only choice now.


Blogger Kathleen Callon said...

I agree with your statement about impeachment. The censure resolution is the first step to get us there. It acknowledges wrongdoing by the President, and opens the door for impeachment.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last presidential impeachment cost the country over two years of constitutional wrangling and a ineffective Government that led to 9/11. It also cost "We The People " over 100 million tax dollars. Both the Left and the Right lost credibility, which gave us two elections outcomes that were at best questionable. Just the thought of going through that again seems unamerican.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

I don't agree that we should go for impeachment as I mentioned in my piece. I do agree with anonymous comments about the cost. Both parties have lost credibility already so I don't buy that point. But I don't think there is much support for the action when I hear the comments others are making who may vote.

5:32 AM  

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