Friday, July 20, 2007

Blood on the hands of Republican Senators: UPDATE 7-20

From July 19, 2007 posting:
Senate Republicans filibustered the Democrats bill to get the troops home from Iraq starting 120 days from the bills enactment and completed by April 2008. Now Senate Republicans have the blood of our soldiers on their hands. Since that Filibuster 5 American soldiers have died. I will keep this tally going forward to remind the Senate of the cost of not stopping this war now that many Republican Senators have asserted they are against the current policy of President Bush but don't have the guts to vote that way.

UPDATE: Since I wrote this piece above a few days ago, the total deaths rose to 12 since Republicans filibustered the Bill put forth by Democrats to bring the troops home. That means the total U.S. Fatalities for July have now surpassed those for July 2006, which was 43. We now stand at 51 with another 12 days left in this month.

Figures don't lie, so don't believe the Bush Administration nor any that say things are getting better. These deaths are not making things better. It is a disgraceful betrayal of our troops by this President and Vice President to all those that serve or have served since they both have not.

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