Saturday, January 26, 2008

You get politics as usual with Hillary. Obama deserves a chance to change that.

What disgusts me most about the Democratic race for the Presidential nomination, is how low both Hillary and Bill are willing to go to get the nomination. This behavior rallies the Republicans and then we are back to politics as usual for the General election.

It's time the American people blow the whistle on this type politic and relegate it to history rather than continue it into the future. We have a chance to change it if we have the courage to seize the moment. It is that precious moment I have been waiting for my entire life. We have a chance to heal the racial divide, once and for all. Will the American people stand up and be counted? It will take the younger voters to vote for this change as so many of my age bracket are stuck in a state of unconsciousness

Remember, we neither get the President we want or don't want. We get the President we deserve by the mindset we bring to the voting booth. DON'T ALLOW YOUR FEARS TO CHOOSE THE NEXT PRESIDENT, BUT RATHER YOUR ASPIRATIONS. It's an easy choice then.

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