Sunday, February 24, 2008

Headline reads: Nader announces new run for President!

Here comes the spoiler to cast his permanent legacy in stone. Ralph Nader has an egomaniacal predilection with trying to be President. This modern day Don Quixote was responsible single handedly for allowing President Bush to be elected instead of Al Gore. Look what happened over the past years as a result. Nader sees the outcome of that election as Gore lost it, rather than Nader lost it for Democrats. His running in 2000 required the Supreme Court to decide the election in favor of Bush. However this time no such thing will happen.

Nader in doing this is actually not acting in his supposed long term interests for the country. In a way it's too bad he doesn't get it. If the media and the voters are smarter this time around, they will leave Nader to obscurity, as this will become his final legacy to his family and his country. Ego is a devilish thing to overcome and for Nader, who many years ago was ahead of the curve in concerns for the environment, has now put his own Ego need fulfillment over his country's needs. His lack of concern about his direct impact on the election of 2000, allowed a President Bush to start the Iraq war. If Nader really thought about this, it was the worse possible outcome for the environment. More bombs have been exploded, more poor Energy policy by the Administration cuddling up to big Oil companies, resulted in more green house gases than all the good Nader has done for the environment in his lifetime. Shame on you Mr. Nader. You have grown so much smaller in later years. You once had a good name. Today you are the beginning of its destruction for all the historians to record.

This election is Obama's to win.

For the entire Headline news article click here.

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Blogger E. Goldenberg said...

Charles, I agree with your assessment. It is obvious that Nader does not care for the people or the environment of this country. A litle insider comment...I remember a conversation of a group of republicans before the 2000 election. They were mentioning that they had been solicited money for Nader's campaign... It sounded funny at that time, but after the election results that took Bush to the White House, I do not have a dout that they are financing again the "candidate of the poor". Nader said some time ago that he would run this time if he could finance his candidacy... It is not difficult to put two and two together....


5:04 PM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

Enrique, I have no doubt that thew Republicans will finance Nader so that he siphons votes supposedly away from Democrats. That may happen and I am hoping Barack wins with a landslide.

However, I an thrilled that Republicans that have some money, might be a little poorer because they finance Nader. Anyway they lose no matter what and that is always a good thing.

7:49 PM  

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