Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nine months to go before Bush is replaced. Democrats need to get united quickly!

Democrats are so busy fighting themselves over how Hillary is going to steal the election away from Barack, that they all are taking their eyes off the prize, waging a battle for the hearts and minds of the electorate because they have better ideas for the future of America. With food prices rising at a dramatic rate, some say because 25% of all corn is going to be used to produce ethanol, and no clear proposals for how to deal with Energy costs, we are going bankrupt as a country. We need this time to forge policy in a whole host of areas. It's about how to end the war in Iraq, helping secure Afghanistan, developing an Energy policy that is on the scale of the Manhattan Project or the Apollo Space program using Wind, Solar, Geothermal and possibly Nuclear.

In the meantime, this President still has enough time to cause big trouble with Iran militarily and the Senate needs to be on record against any military actions inside Iran. Hillary's support for calling Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist group, may be just the cover this Administration needs to pursue a military strike against Iran and cause enormous problems for the next President.

We need to focus on job creation here in the U.S., relief for Homeowners faced with foreclosure, increasing taxes on the wealthiest, and the consideration of Community service by youth to gain credit to offset college costs. We need to consider year round schooling for Grades K-12 and increasing salaries for teachers commensurate with working full time in a profession most important to our Nation's future.

Dare we dream and hope for major change or are we doomed as the citizens of this country have been drugged by the rhetoric coming from this White House the past 7 plus years. Much is possible if we unite as a Nation now, because, over time, survival is going to be the mantra of many of our citizens and getting them behind change is going to be difficult at best.

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