Saturday, April 05, 2008

Who's responsible for the Banking mess today?

The answer to that is the Republican Congress that was under the helm of Newt Gingrich and Senator Phil Graham and the passing of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999 which removed a lot of safeguards and regulations into a single Act called the Glass-Steagall Act. These were put into place after the 1929 Stock Market crash. This Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was approved by the Republican led Congress in 1999 and signed into law and supported by then President Bill Clinton. Seems like a simple action would be to repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and reinstitute "new regulations" on Banking. Hmmm, isn't this what Barack Obama recommended as a solution? McCain says "let the free markets work their will." By the way, John McCain has, as one of his top economic advisors, former Senator Phil Graham, the architect of this mess.

On another topic somewhat related, Senator Hillary Clinton and President Clinton, released their tax returns yesterday from the years 1999-2006. It turns out they have earned $109 Million dollars in that period, and paid $33 Million in taxes. The financially poor Clintons don't seem so poor any longer do they. Hmmmm, I wonder who paid for Bill Clinton to give those expensive speeches? Do you think some Banking groups? It's payoff time, big time!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

In actuality it is the fault of those on both sides that raised Holy hell to the mortage companies that the lower middle class could not get mortgages. Ergo the subprime mortgage was create.
THAT is where this has all come from. A Plethora of people that had NO business getting into a mortgage were given a near blank check to be stupid.

6:51 PM  

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