Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why high gas prices are just what the doctor ordered!

It is simply amazing at all the cries about high gas prices. People are screaming at politicians to do something about it. But for all the shortsightedness by the masses, there has been a tremendous benefit which more are starting to see.

First the headline from today's news: "106 mpg 'air car' creates buzz, questions." It seems that free enterprise is coming to the rescue. Instead of drilling for more gas, many are thinking of ways to eliminate our need for Oil and Gasoline by creating cars that run on air, corn, hydrogen and whatever else the imagination can muster. This is the good side of high gas prices. I say, if you want to break the stranglehold the Middle East has on the rest of the world, keep gas prices high and you will eventually see the wealth of the Middle East crumble. The intellectuals know that and so don't the leaders of Oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Do you wonder why oil prices have dropped dramatically in the past few weeks, think again about it. When people think of ways of eliminating the need for Oil and Gasoline, you will see the prices drop even farther and the speculators will be caught as well. I say good for that as well.

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