Sunday, October 26, 2008

Want to really have a positive impact on your Country? Deposit cash into your bank and buy stock Nov. 5th, Unity Day!

Many are hoping for change in this election. Obama represents that change for the majority of Americans. It has been a campaign based on a message of Hope. The youth vote is solidly behind Obama and are turning out in historical proportions to vote this year. Whether they actually do vote is still in question. But we will have the answer in just 9 short days. You are sitting there now, reading this and hoping that no matter who wins, the country is in trouble and things don't look good and they look like things are going to get mush worse. So the question is, what can you do as a citizen to help your new duly elected government have some breathing room to put together strategies for turning this country around?

There are several things you can do on Nov. 5th. First, and probably the most important, you can return money you have withdrawn from your bank and put under your mattress, back as a deposit in your Bank. Bank accounts are insured now up to $250,000. When you took cash out of your bank, you were afraid it wasn't going to be there when you needed it. Much has changed since that moment, not in a bad way, but in a positive way to ease credit crisis and unclog the financial system.

But you can now help on Nov. 5th by returning some cash to your Bank. Banks use the money to be able to lend to those who are trying to grow their business, and help those needing some short-term assistance with credit. Local Community Banks are even better places to deposit your money, as they make loans and free up credit in your local community. Larger Banks like Regional or National Banks, can lend your money all over the country and the world. So, when you deposit your cash in a local community bank, you are helping local restaurants, auto dealers, small businesses and your neighbors. If we could start a National effort to show confidence and trust in our financial institutions, by making these deposits on Nov. 5th., it would send a signal to the country, it's a new day!

Another, more visible, thing you can do on Nov. 5th, is to buy stock in the stock market. If the stock market could really rally on record volume Nov. 5th, it might help give everyone more confidence in the new Administration. I'm not asking you to jump in with all your cash, but, to be willing to invest in some good companies for the long haul that happen to be very cheap right now. If the stock market turns up, many will be affected positively and it will show the new President elect we are behind him as a country. Think about this seriously as most of the time our fellow citizens don't really feel like they make a difference. Here's your chance to be a part of something larger than yourself. The alternative is continued crisis, stress, short tempers and fear the dominant emotion. I think it's a no brainer and that's why I am proposing it.

I promise you I will take both of these actions with or without you but there is power in greater numbers. I will make a deposit of cash in my local bank account and I will buy stock all on Nov. 5th, Unity Day! If you believe in the spirit of this message have people visit here and read this for themselves at

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