Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yes We Can: How You can help turn the economy around.

That's right, "Yes We Can" collectively turn this economy around almost without even President Obama's help or that of the Congress. How can we do that? By having some faith that you truly can make a difference. Look, the economy is driven mostly by Consumer Spending, 70% to be exact. I know that about 10% of our citizens are unemployed, while many are currently worrying about their job security as well. But the 90% of us, who are employed, can help the country and our citizens by deciding not to stop our purchasing all together or eating in instead of going to a restaurant. Look around where you live and ask yourself if you want to see all the businesses close shop or restaurants go away. I don't. We can all turn this economy around, if we believe in our own power and spend again. I'm not saying spend with abandon, but what I am saying is to get back to a more normal and healthy lifestyle, rather than being so afraid.

Here's an example from my own experience. Our 12 year old refrigerator had a problem this past week. We were weighing whether we should get it fixed of buy a new one. We can think of good reasons for choosing either side of the choices. But when we add in the mix that it is good for the economy to buy a new one to help manufacturing jobs, to help a shipping company deliver it and a store that sells it, we have decided to buy a new one. Then the question is what to do with the old one? We have decided to give it away to someone, or charity, who might want it, or need it, or could get it fixed and use it, for another 12 years, as refrigerators have an expected life of 25 years.

Another example is choosing to eat out in some of our favorite restaurants. Every neighborhood has a favorite restaurant they take the family to or go to on a special evening. If those restaurants weren't there anymore, it wouldn't be the same living there any more. So choosing to go out to dinner helps support those restaurants keep surviving and helps those people who work there keep their jobs. Even some of the upscale restaurants, which have Valet parking service, can help a kid have a job.

The American people are a generous people and give freely to charity. We need to also think that charity also begins in our neighborhoods. We collectively can turn this economy around, but it starts with each of us as individuals deciding we are going to help President Obama with his most difficult job. When America is back the world will come back too. Right now they are scared too. Scarcity begets scarcity, but abundance begets abundance. Which mindset do you want to bring forth? Take accountability for getting out of this recession and preventing us from a Depression. Yes We Can!

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Blogger Charles Amico said...

That is amazing. Who's side is Gates on anyway? My guess is, Bill Gates! We need CEO's that treat the people where they enjoy living, with compassion. That means taking care of your own neighborhood first. Thanks for the post, Redneck.

7:02 AM

7:06 AM  

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