Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Apology? What does Senator Durbin & Richard Clarke have in common?

Do you think we are owed an apology from this Administration for not having a success for winning and securing the peace in Iraq? There is a lot to do about nothing regarding the apology Senator Durbin gave on the Senate floor yesterday. Many had called for his apology for remarks made about the Prisoner abuses at Gitmo, etc., and references to comparisons to the Nazis of Germany and the Gulags in Russia and their treatment of prisoners. I wonder why no self respecting Administration official has apologized to us. The last apology I heard from anyone in this Administration was from Richard A. Clarke, former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence, who testified before the 9/11 Commission about how both the Clinton and Bush Administration had failed this country as did he, and he asked for forgiveness from us all. What a class act he was and is. We are all given a chance to be a class act many times throughout our lives. It is up to each of us to answer the calling in our own way. But my question is this, "Is anyone home at the Whitehouse, with some respect for the rest of us, willing to apologize for past mistakes?” I think not! There first has to be an admission to oneself and I don't think anyone in this Administration has shown a willingness to admit a mistake was made. No one in the Pentagon in the civilian leadership (code for Rumsfeld and Wolfiwitz) thinks they made a msitake even after this long a time has passed since "MIssion Accomplished". And when are we going to count the dead of the heroic contract personnel for trying to do a service for their country. The death toll and injured in Iraq and Afghanistan is much higher when you count contractors in the overall cost of the war. We should be honoring them in their return but we don't pay special attention to returning remains of soldierts and contractors for it might be offensive to the American public and draw unnecessary attention to the cost of this war. I say it is worth seeing the entire picture and that includes the sacrifice made by so many, so that we may all pay honor to them. Maybe it would force those in charge to consider making private apologies to those families at least.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles Amico, Clarke can afford to apologize because he is not running for political office. Politicians are loathe to apologize for anything because it gives their enemies a club to beat them with. In fact, politicians will only apologize if they have offended an important constituency. By comparing American solidiers to anti-semetic Nazis and Commununists, Durbin did just that. So, he had to apologize.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

I agree on Durbin. But I would love to see at least Rumsfeld admit to making a planning mistake which has cost us much as a nation. He won't do that and doesn't believe one is due us. That's my gripe, Salemi 1906.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politics has nothing in common with moral. The ruler who is governed by the moral is not a skilled politician, and is therefore unstable on his throne. He who wishes to rule must have recourse both to cunning and to make-believe. Great national qualities, like frankness and honesty, are vices in politics, for they bring down rulers from their thrones more effectively and more certainly than the most powerful enemy. So my pal who do you think wants this? Whitehouse? Nooooooooo. I don think so.

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can a nation believe such thing as "Operation Iraqi freedom", i was disgusted by this form of propaganda. history will show how stupid you americans are, and how your leaders were oil thirsty imperialist warmongerers. shame on you, get involved in politics, democracy has no meaning for your politicians.

4:18 AM  

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