Monday, August 01, 2005

Bolton recess appointment by Bush merits thought

Why can't the American people make a recess appointment for a new Administration, the same way that the President is going to announce today the recess appointment of John Bolton, as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N? It seems quite fair to me. No one really wants Bolton now, including most Republicans, as they will admit if you can get them out of media range. Many Republicans would like to have a different President right now too; someone more moderate is my guess. So why can't WeThePeople make a recess appointment for President and Vice President. Of course we will need to wait until Bush goes on vacation first, but that's today! :) Some reasons to consider this idea with the seriousness it deserves is that we wouldn't have to put up with the fanfare of a political campaign, no TV ads to watch, no special interest groups material flooding our mailboxes. There would be no need for debates and all the after debate TV shows that tell us what they really said, who scored what blow to the other, who looked the best and who won the debate. Big business would like it too, as they wouldn't have to contribute to both candidates large sums of money in return for unrelated support for legislative positions that make them richer.

So when you hear the announcement today of John Bolton as U.S Ambassador to the U.N. against what most Americans want, see the potential good in recess appointments. Who would you appoint now as President given the chance at a recess appointment? Hmmmm...let me think.


Blogger Rob Arguello said...

I stumbled across your blog. I havn't had time to read much, but plan on doing so after work. Just from the title I have a feeling you are a Libertarian....but who knows. Glad to see your against Bolton.

1:57 PM  

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