Monday, February 13, 2006

Why it took so long for Cheney to report the shooting.

Could it be that he was under the influence of either medication or alcohol and that is why the delay to report this shooting incident to the police, the President and the media for so long? What other motives could explain it? The reasoning that care of the victim was the immediate concern is ridiculous. All it takes is a call to 911 and an ambulance will arrive in 5 minutes. Why did the Secret Service not allow police to interview the VP? Nothing makes sense except he was not in a proper condition to be examined over the incidence by authorities. Maybe he feared an alcohol check. Give me another reason that makes sense.

UPDATE: February 16, 7:45pm PST

Now we find out that Cheney admits to having "a beer" at noon on the day of the shooting. No follow-up questions like, was it only one beer Mr. Cheney? Did you have any other alcoholic beverages that day Mr. Cheney? Are you taking any medications that interact with alcohol Mr. Cheney and di you take your medication that day Mr. Cheney as prescribed? I heard a question or two on Wolf Blitzer today with Paul Begala. Paul was on to something but got hindered by Wolf saying the facts aren't known. That's the problem isn't it. To me this still smells fishy. If it looks like a fish, smells like a fish and is slippery like a fish, it's a fish Mr. VP.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This situation is bad, but I must say that the parallels with Chappaquiddick are obvious.

9:43 PM  

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