Sunday, March 05, 2006

Gen. Wesley Clark - On engaging Iran and politics in Iraq

Former NATO Supreme Commander and retired General, Wesley Clark, had it right this morning when he spoke on ABC's, This Week, with George Stephanopoulos when he said the best we can hope for in Iraq is a "C-" grade and if we don't use the full force and power of the US in Iraq we may get an "F" grade when this is all over. His call to engage Iran directly was courageous and unique in the voices being heard on the issue, although Sen. Biden has called for similar action by the Administration in engaging Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. He is correct when he says "jawboning" the politicians elected in Iraq won't work without more military pressure being applied. In my opinion, the more we won't have direct contact with Iran, the more the situation will spiral out of control until we do. This Administration has tried similar moves with North Korea as a strategy. But with respect to that issue, at least we have engaged the Chinese, Russians and the Europeans to help the talks go forward. We don't have any talks with Iran and we should. What can we lose talking.


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