Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Republican and Democratic Presidents: We need both!

The world changes daily, some say for the best, but many say for the worst. It takes many years to reap the benefits and consequences of America's foreign policy acts of commission and omission. One thing is for sure, the President we have has a lot to do with what we reap. Just as a child, at times we need a Critical Parent, who watches over us, protects us, tells us of dangers and says “Be Careful”, warns us of danger and fights many battles for us with the bully's of the world. Other times we need the Nurturing Parent who inspires us to greatness, kisses our minor wounds and tells us we'll be OK, helps us develop the value of helping others of less means, comforts us when we are distressed, making peace with others for us when we've gotten into trouble.

Some of us had 2 parents and that each could provide either type of parenting when necessary. Some have only 1 parent that tries to provide each for us. Only whole parents can provide each types. Some have a dominant side they use most of the time. Well, as a country what we need today is not a Critical Parent President, but that is what we have and have had for the past 6 plus years. The Republican President of late, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are the Critical Parents of our time. George Bush's father was too, but was able to be a Nurturing Parent. Bill Clinton was more a Nurturing Parent type (I feel your pain) but was able to use force when necessary in Bosnia etc., so he had both, although many of the George Bush Critical Parent types said he didn’t do enough to go after Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.

The problem is that, as a society, we often bounce off the bumper guards of each extreme. As we watch the debates, what we need to do is to look for qualities of both in our Presidential candidates. We certainly don't need more fear mongering but do we need someone who can go out there and rebuild international relationships. The world needs this of us now. That means ending wars as our first reaction to international problems but not abandoning other means when all else fails. When you watch both Republican and Democratic debates going forward watch for the nurturing type and the bully and choose wisely. Something in between seems what would best serve America and the World.

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