Thursday, September 13, 2007

Iran vs. US. We have more in common than you think!

All this bluster about Iran. President Bush and VP Cheney are always rattling their sabers threatening them with an attack. Bush has called Iran one of the axis of evil countries. But we have more in common with Iran that we have differences.

For example, the Iranian people love the American people and our way of life. The cleric leaders impose their will on the people just as our President imposes his will on us with the Iraq war. Their "elected" officials do the bidding of their leaders and are toothless just like our Congress and Senate. The Iranian people are basically a gentle people as are the American people. It's just that both countries have their rabid ones controlling the rest of the population. Many reasonable Americans want a dialogue opened with Iran. Many Iranians want a dialogue with Americans. But the leaders of both countries taunt each other, like children. Make that spoiled children.

See we do have a lot in common with Iran.

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