Thursday, September 27, 2007

N.H. Democratic debate on Iraq-What a disappointment

What disappointment from Hillary, Barack and Edwards. All 3 said they wouldn't promise all the troops home from Iraq by 2013. I need to pick a new candidate and so do you or we will be there indefinitely. The only candidates who said they would have all the troops home from Iraq before 2013 were Biden, Richardson, Dodd, Kusinich and Gravel. Anyone voting for a Democratic candidate in the primaries, needs to reconsider one of these 5, who will bring the troops home. I just was shocked at the front leaders response and how Hillary found it useful not to stake out any popular position for ear of offending someone.

Biden and Richardson had no problem with bringing the troops home as soon as they can after being elected President. They also had bold ideas about saving Social Security. Biden wants to solve the problem by raising the Caps on when people pay taxes. Currently at $97,000, Biden wants all income above $97,000 taxed because anyone who makes $97,000 or under is taxed on all their income and why should those making more not be taxed on all their income as well. They don't need the break if they are making Millions of dollars according to Biden. I agree with him on that.

Biden, Dodd and Richardson are the only hope of anyone wanting to end the war and picking a candidate that could make a good President. I believe Biden and Dodd could get both Independent voters and some Republican voters as well. Yesterday, Biden got his soft-partition non-binding resolution approved that favors a loose Federation in Iraq of three separate regions, one Shia controlled, one Sunni controlled and the other Kurdish controlled regions, where each would share in Oil revenues and the country would have a weak but effective central government. Biden garnered Republican and Democratic support with a winning resolution 75 to 23 votes. We need a President that can work with Republicans and Biden did.

If we are going to have any effect to bring the troops home we must choose, and loudly support with money and our voices, either Biden, Dodd or Richardson. If anyone polls us we must tell the media why we have changed our minds on the front-runners. There is no choice for Republicans with a serious candidate who has a chance to win, who will stop the war and bring the troops home other than Congressman Ron Paul.

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