Sunday, September 30, 2007

Supporting the Iraq War- The "Draft Politician's Children" movement

Dear Senator Mitch McConnell:

We are pleased to inform you, that we, representing the very Silent Majority of 72% of the American people opposed to this Iraq war, are proud to nominate your 3 daughters, Elly, Claire and Porter to serve their first 15 month tour of duty in Iraq. It is a patriotic thing to do for those supporting the war and we know the depths of your Patriotism. They will need to put their lives on hold, inform friends and family and employers that their return after the 15 months tour is not a guarantee but you being a willing supporter of the Bush strategy, will not object. We admire that you stand for your principles and are a man of high integrity.

Additional letters will be sent to the Republican Senators and Congressmen supporting the Iraq War and so it is indeed a patriotic group that will be serving together. These new members of the military will make it possible for some others to return home to join their families. We know you more than support this strategy and they will be in good company because the Bush twins, Jenna and Laura will be leading the group in battle. Vice President Cheney's daughter, Mary, will be exempt from serving, as she is a lesbian and a new mother. However, waiting in the wings to serve when their time comes, are the Vice President's 6 grandchildren. Elizabeth Cheney, his other daughter, who is straight, will be required to serve also. After all, the "plan" is to keep this war going for decades to come, so I know, given the war's projected length, you won't mind picking up the slack for the lower enlistments that are sure to follow. It is one small step that we appreciate you and your family taking.

We thank you for their service.


We The People

Any additional members of the public wishing to add their support, may sign the comment list.

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Blogger Tayen Lane said...

Hi Charles,

Great Post! I do hope that you will send it to the Senator and his loyal band of Congressional warhawks, that their children might also be put on notice. It certainly hits home!

K.E. Heartsong

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sign me up!!!! You might also add the names of the 3800 guys and gals whould would have also signed up--if they weren't killed in Iraq.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great letter - well crafted!
Sign me up as well.

11:27 AM  
Blogger tonyn said...

I would also like to sign up all the people who write letters to the editor in their local paper about how we need to get the insurgents in Iraq before they're beating down our doors. Obviously these are true Americans and are not just talking a good game without wanting to back it up. I'm sure they are willing to give their lives and the lives of their children to this noble cause. I'm sure they are willing to fight the enemy on their own turf, losing sight, limb and incur TBI and PTSD for the cause, right! And I'm sure these are the same people who volunteer their time to visit the wounded warriors at their local VA hospitals and write their congressmen to insure our vets are given the highest quality of care possible, right? ...right?

11:36 AM  
Blogger Pamela Lyn said...

Great Idea. I am forwarding this post to all of my friends. Charles, if you start a petition, we'll sign it.

Can we include the children of media personalities?

7:01 PM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

Thank you all for your comments and support. Pamela, we need hundreds of thousands of average Americans to start speaking out. Your voice is now added to the less Silent Majority of 5, so far.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Scott Kohlhaas said...

Seriously, we should not be glib about wanting a draft. These power hungry politicians would easily sacrifice their own to keep their positions. And you know we would all be drafted right along with them.

Would you be willing to spread the word about It's a site dedicated to shattering the myths surrounding the selective slavery system and building mass civil disobedience to stop the draft before it starts!

Our banner on a website, printing and posting the anti-draft flyer or just telling friends would help.


Scott Kohlhaas

PS. When it comes to conscription, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

1:36 AM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

Scott, I am not glib at all. I actually believe it is the only thing that will stop this war as many of our youth today would march in the streets as my generation did during the Vietnam war. If things keep going on the current course, my fear is that even the Democrats will embrace this war for decades to come. The ONLY way to get the American people more agitated AND vocal about this war is to have it start to hit home. A Draft would do that and for that reason I think it is a way out of this war. I am not the only one that has given this some thought. Charlie Rangel, the Democrat Representative from NY had introduced a Bill in the house more than 3 years ago to get a Draft reinstituted. Why do you think he offered that legislation. He is not in favor of this war but also knows that unless America woke up we would be there for generations. The DRAFT has a way of galvanizing a concerned citizenry. My proof here is the fact you want already to get people to stop the Draft and have that web site that is a gathering place for those who do not want to be directly affected by it. See, it is working.

4:34 AM  

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