Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Democratic debate in Ohio: Hillary's to win and Barack's to lose. Stay tuned!

Tonight is the Democratic debate from Ohio. It's Hillary's last chance before the voting in Texas and Ohio to go for a win over Barack or it is Barack's to lose. What will happen tonight is very important for both candidates.

In the past few days, Hillary has been on the attack over pamphlets Barack's campaign sent out which described Hillary's support for NAFTA, with all its problems. She and her husband pushed NAFTA and now she says she can and does plan to fix it. Barack didn't vote for the legislation so doesn't have to "fix" it. He was right on NAFTA and right on Iraq. She has been wrong on NAFTA and wrong on Iraq. Do you really think the voters need more comparisons to make their choices? I think not. And if we are so lucky to see Hillary play the politics of the past during the debate, and Barack not seizing the bait but rising above it, we will know who is better prepared to talk with world leaders we don't always agree with and also who is best prepared to talk to our enemies. It will be Barack.

Stay tuned, as it is only a mater of hours before we are treated to bear witness!

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