Thursday, August 28, 2008

What will be the message contrast between the Republican and Democrats Convention?

The week of the Democratic Party Convention is coming to a close. What take aways did people get from the Convention and how will they differ from what comes out of the Republican Party Convention? Well I for one saw the Democratic party Convention focus is all about "people", specifically the Middle Class and their struggles during the past 8 years of the Bush Administration and their down right focus on the wealthy few, to receive the benefits from their policies.

What do I expect to hear from the Republicans next week? Honestly, I am not sure. But if they follow the previous Republican Party Convention goers and their TV audience, they will put the focus on Barack and attacking everything they can think of about him. They will talk about "money", because that is what is important to them; how much they have, how much they want, less government in our lives and to promote the security of our country from the "evil" ones, through the fears they will conjure up, stating that the Country will be at risk under a Barack Obama Presidency. They will use fear in every form and contrast that to the "hope" of the Obama message.

I might be wrong here but I don't think by much. It is obvious that the Democrats are for uniting people at this historic moment and anniversary of both Martin Luther King speech "I have a dream!" and the three year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the abysmal response of the Bush Administration in the aftermath even to this day.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:29 PM  

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