Howard Dean, Democratic National Chairman, is quoted today as saying, "The idea that we are going to win this war is an idea that unfortunately is just plain wrong," Calling Bush's plan in Iraq a "failed strategy," Dean said he and most Democrats support bringing home an estimated 80,000 National Guard and Reserve troops within the next six months.
Finally the Democrats seem to be stating the obvious. Back 4 months ago from yesterday my posting of August 5th titled, "Fallen soldiers deserve our respect and our attention", I said the following, "What has been creeping into my awareness from the events of the past week, where we have lost about 30 brave soldiers in Iraq, is that, for the first time since we started this war in Iraq, we aren't expecting to win this war. I felt this way during the Vietnam war and now this has crept back into my awareness. We aren't doing right in Iraq even though many Generals state we need more troops there to help "secure the peace". If you give this some thought I believe you will come to the same conclusion. We don't have a plan to win this thing. We are trying to hold on until the Iraqis have sufficient forces trained to start to leave. What a mess and disservice to all that are there and those that have fallen and the Iraqis too, as they are paying a bigger price than we are."
Many of you have reached or are reaching the same conclusion. So why isn't Bush, Cheney and the rest of the Administration coming to the same conclusion? It isn't because of a good strategy they believe they have. It isn't because the facts on the ground have turned in our favor recently. It is all because of their pigheaded EGO'S. Now that makes sense, doesn't it as EGO needs have no logical function other than to protect our self image from thinking we made a big mistake and are therefore failures. Well Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Mr. Rumsfeld, I have a news flash. This Iraq war will be recorded in history books as a huge failure by this country. That will be your final legacy for generations to come. The only real question is this, When will the American people finally reach the tipping point and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. My guess is Nov. 2006 elections.