Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is Rep. John Murtha correct about the War in Iraq?

The morphing of the language on the War on Terror and the War in Iraq has the media reporting as if both are the same thing. They are not. There's Afghanistan and then there's Iraq. One is a war of necessity (Afghanistan and getting back at those like Bin Laden that attacked us) and the other was a war of choice (Iraq, where this President Bush wanted to settle the score for his dad and the assination attempt by Saddam Hussein of former President Bush).

The apparent strategy by the Bush Administration is to "fight the terrorists in Iraq rather than fighting them here", merging the 2 conflicts into one. The purpose of this trickery is for the American voters to support Republican candidates this election cycle and to fund these wars, as stated by President Bush. But let's look at these facts:

1. According to US Military officials today, "the insurgents are changing tactics as often as every 3 weeks in Iraq" (notice they don't call them terrorists, they call them insurgents). According to Wikipedia, "an insurgency, or insurrection, is an armed uprising, revolt, or insurrection against an established civil or political authority." This implies Iraqis, not outside terrorists, are the insurgents.

2. Our strategy, as espoused by President Bush, is "stay the course".

3. The military decided to bring many more troops into the Baghdad area to "stop the violence", yet the violence has increased, since we did in fact bring in more troops.

4. So far there have been 60 deaths reported of U.S. soldiers in September, the highest level since the war began.

So an increase in our military presence in the Baghdad area has coincided with an increase in attacks by insurgents. Is this just coincidence or is there something that can be concluded from these facts? I think the case can be made that Rep. John Murtha was correct.

Many Democrats, including Rep. John Murtha, say that we should not be increasing our footprint in Iraq but should remove our troops to the peripheral, as Rep. Murtha says it increases the attacks on our soldiers and that we don't belong in the middle of a Civil War between Iraqis.

If this isn't proof of the point I don't know what is. The experiment to add troops isn't working and does in fact prove Rep. Murtha's well-articulated position that we need to bring the troops home.


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