I'll trust the American people any day. Would you?

The Presidential candidates are all giving us their "line", hoping we'll nibble at least, and possibly, get hooked on them. But what I noticed is that they all sound the same. Each chooses which particular special interest issue is the bait for us and then they give us their "line". Of course we disagree with each of them on many other issues, where we haven't fallen for the bait. But they keep putting that same bait out there hoping to drag us along to the primaries and then the General election next November. The Republicans use these as bait; reduced taxes, pro-life, against gay marriage and a strong military. The Democrats use: tax the rich, pro-choice, anti-discriminatory practices regarding gay marriages, and more recently, a path to citizenship for undocumented workers.
On the other side, you have all the elected officials, Republican and Democrats alike, and the American public, that totally disagree with this President/ Vice President and Administration on a number of issues. We all can't wait for their departure from office, back into their non-reality world. Where the only help for them is therapy or AA, and where they learn to embrace the 1st step of the 12 step process; Denial.
President Bush says, "I'm the Decider! I don't follow the polls". Cheney says, We can't make decisions based upon some poll, we have to do what's best for America!" I say, why not? If we are a true democracy, shouldn't government be representative government of "all" the people not just "business leaders"? If polls were done with a large sample of Americans and truly representative with statistical accuracy, why should major questions and issues be put before the American people to decide?
Seems to me that if you take ALL the pools on the war, the American people have spoken loud and clear. They say get out NOW! It isn't even close now with 70% of the poll results showing the vast majority of people want out of Iraq sooner rather than later. And yet neither party is willing to follow the input and wishes of their constituency. We do not have representative government that works any longer. Maybe we should it more along the lines of American Idol and have people vote by phone and elected officials must comply with the result? It can't be much worse than what we have now. Even adding a third party will not work as the leader will need to get support from the other 2 parties which won't be so inclined to support them.
It's not the only issue Americans agree. More than 75% of Americans want our Borders secure first before deciding anything about the 12-20 undocumented (illegal) immigrants here. Same is true about keeping the government out of our bedrooms and out of our life or death decisions we are faced with our elderly parents. Also true, we agree that if this were a war we had to win, we would be willing to have shared sacrifice. We also agree that the rich should pay more share of the taxes. We agree we want to preserve Social Security and Medicare Prescription Drug benefits but that the government should be able to negotiate for better prices to get a large discount, especially for seniors. And we agree everyone should be covered by Universal Healthcare coverage and not be denied care. My friends we could decided some things and move along the process of stalemate in Washington.
Seriously though, we need to consider this problem as informed citizens and be willing to make proposals that could get the lobbyists and special interest groups out of the process. I'm really open for some good creative thinking here. Have you got any good ideas to share? Leave a comment if you do.
Labels: American people, Bush, Cheney, Democrats, Republicans, trust
I think one of the problems is that we've all been duped into believing that America is in fact a Democracy, when we are in reality a Constitutional Republic. We are allowed to vote, allowed to voice our opinions without getting arrested, but nothing comes of it. Politicians and the business elite are the only members of this nation who enjoy the full privilages of a Democratic society. Election reform is going to have to take place before any semblence of democracy becomes available for the majority of the population. As it is now, only the super-rich can run for president, but the majority of the country isn't super-rich. So any candidate, Repub or Dem, represents a minority of the population. That's an oligarchy.
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