Thursday, September 25, 2008

$700 Billion: What else could we do with it?

Have you asked yourself yet what could be done with $700 Billion dollars today besides this rescue plan that the Fed and the Treasury are asking from Congress? I'll tell you one thing, a sizable amount could have been used to make Social Security more solvent for one thing. We could have repaired many of the bridges and roads across this country. We could have used the money to solve Global Warming and reduced the Green House gases on the planet. We could have given every teacher in America a minimum salary of $100,000/year and still had $500 Billion left over to do some of the other things mentioned here.

But instead, we are going to pony up this incredibly large sum of money and are not going to observe anything for it. It will not be noticed, as life will go on as it did before the crisis except the unemployment rate will be going up, interest rates will be going up, stocks will be going down and many will fell tight when it comes to spending any of their money. We won't see anything that looks positive that we can point to that will be a measurable observable difference for the better. What there will be is the prevention of a total collapse of our system, THEY HOPE! You see there are no guarantees here. It is like going to Vegas and being able to play roulette and betting on red or black and hoping to win. But it is possible that the ball will settle on the zero (0) or double zero (00) number. That's where we are now. There is probably only a 2 in 37 chance that this $700 Billion investment will faIL, but there is still some chance. Southerners may be thinking of that old adage, "Save your Confederate money folks, the South shall rise again." The only problem is that this time we are all in the same barrel, whether we like it or not.

When this is over, I don't want to hear people say we can't afford Healthcare for everyone or that we can't accept Barack Obama's ideas to grow the economy with Green initiatives or that we can't bring home the troops to help save $12 Billion per month! If we can print money to pony up $700 Billion here, we can print some more and do the other things as well. Yes the wealthiest are going to have to pay more taxes. Get used to it as your life is better than the most of the country and we all must bear a more equal share of the burden.

This is what it must have felt like at the Fall of The Roman Empire.

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