Friday, September 12, 2008

Will we get the President we want or the President we deserve?

It is an interesting question. The basis for the question is founded in the belief that many Americans are just too ignorant to take the time to learn the facts, get the candidates to focus on the issues instead of the distractions and taking their civic responsibility seriously. How many of us engage in political dialogue with friends, family, neighbors, the news media and other Americans on issues, or use the Internet as a means of extended conversations? Most of what is discussed are the quips and digs like "lipstick on a pig".

I believe we get the President we deserve. We are all responsible in some way or another. If we are disengaged when we could be engaged, we contribute to the problem. It is easy to talk to people who agree with us, and it is difficult to talk with those who disagree with us. But that is where it must start.

Last night I watched an exchange on "Service to our Country" where both McCain and Obama were asked questions as to how they would get the American people more involved in volunteerism. It was a thought provoking conversation where we got treated to more than quips and digs. It was an enlightening conversation where I wanted more. Ideally it would have been better if both candidates were asked the questions at the same time and given the opportunity not to explore differences but where they agree. It is what our country needs right now.

Did they get 38 million viewers? No, far, far fewer people watched it and that is the pity. I want to publicly thank the sponsors of the event, Time Magazine Editor, Richard Stengel, and Judy Woodruff of PBS, who were asking the questions, as well as their Corporate sponsors. We need more of this. Get involved and if you haven't seen it, read about it or check to see if it can be seen again. Contact sponsors to find out how more of these can be held.

Remember, when we get what we want or what we don't want, we get what we deserve. It's called Accountability!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groan. Just watched another Bill Maher. Rosanne Barr is an idiot. I don't know why Maher keeps inviting her back. Janine Garofalo is totally out of touch. She thinks that Americans are still upset about the Iraq War. It's over as an issue. McCain supported the war, but so did Hillary, and the Dems would now have a much better chance of winning this election, had Hillary been the nominee. So no one blames McCain for not being against the war in the first place, and McCain has been successful in distancing himself from the failures of the war by having been consistently against the Rumsfeld/Tommy Franks/George W Bush strategy and being a champion of throwing in more muscle and claiming that more muscle finally did make a difference.

It is so depressing when the only partisan political pundits who are making sense are the likes of George Will and John Fund, who understand how the electorate is reacting to what is going on. The media going after Palin in a way that they never went after John Edwards in 2004 confirms a media bias which wrecks the credibility of media charges that the McCain campaign is distorting and lying in what they claim about Obama's policies and positions. The more people like Maher and John Stewart and even Charlie Gibson attack Palin, the more her importance is exaggerated way out of proportion to what it should be, and what should be McCAIN/palin starts to look like McCain/PALIN, which is currently contrasting favorably with OBAMA/biden. Basically, you've got two against one: McCain and Palin against Obama, and the former two are speaking clearly and the latter one isn't speaking a coherent message.

What does Obama stand for -- precisely? Other than he's not 4 more years of George W Bush, which seems to be his only clear message, and McCain/Palin have successfully convinced voters that they are not 4 more years of George W Bush, as well.

Here's a message, Barack:

The economy is a mess because George W Bush spent a trillion dollars pursuing a war of dubious benefit to America while granting massive wartime tax cuts to the very richest Americans, with both the war and the tax cuts financed by massive borrowing which has dramatically eroded the value of our currency, which has contributed to the high price of petroleum, reduced international investment in our economy, and saddled our children and grandchildren with inevitable tax increases to pay this debt. The modern day Republican economic policy is spend and borrow and mortgage our future and tax our children. And John McCain's plan is to continue borrowing money, through renewing the tax cuts to the wealthy and spending massively on fighting terrorism ineffectively with overseas armies, as opposed to improving international cooperation, global intelligence, and port plus border security, which will do much more to keep us safe than stirring up hornets' nests through pursuing land wars in Asia.

Just keep saying that. Over and over and over and over. Forget Palin. Forget talking about "change." Forget about wasting a week after week in misguided pissing contests over McCain's distortions in his stump speech. Just stay on message. Drill it home. Get the independent voters to understand what this election is really all about.

11:27 PM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

Larry, my wife and I had the same reaction to the show and Bill Maher's introductory monologue. We thought they were over the line of reasonableness and were turned off with them. It is disgusting and in part why I wrote this post.

For example, a good conversation could have been had on a real issue like whether the U.S. should allow former Soviet States into NATO and the implication that we would be obliged to defend them against Russia.

Europeans and other countries citizens are much more aware of history and the implications of various positions during their political seasons. Israeli's are probably the most informed citizens. But here is where we as conscious citizens find ourselves. I am dusting off my papers to apply for dual citizenship with Italy. At least in Italy the only issues are about corruption or sex, rather than childish quips and digs. Thanks for the thoughtful comment Larry!

8:36 AM  

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