Question of the day: What Country has the highest % of their population with Blogs? The answer will surprise you. It is not the United States. As a matter of fact, the US isn't in the top 2 based upon population. It turns out that Singapore is number one with 904 Blogs for a population of about 2.9 Million people, based upon World Population statistics available from 1996. The number 2 country is Canada with 3,533 Blogs with a population of about 28.4 million people. The US is 3rd with 28,298 blogs with a population of 263.8 million people. The source is Blogwise numbers which doesn't capture all Blogs, but it is a good place to begin to look at the question.
Here is another interesting piece of data. Starting at the bottom of the list and working up, are these 10 nations:
Iraq, Bangledash, China, Syria, Russian Federation , Saudi Arabia, Egypt, India, Pakistan and Cambodia
And finally the last surprise:
Iran has the most Blogs from the entire Middle East, beating out such notables as Japan, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey and the 10 above.