Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hypocrisy and the Catholic Church's position on amnesty for illegal immigrants

Never thought I would agree with Lou Dobbs but I do regarding today's piece titled, " Democratic hacks embrace the lunacy of amnesty". I saw Ted Kennedy and the Catholic Cardinal Mahoney on the podium and couldn't believe what I heard. The Cardinal embraces the breaking of U.S. laws, as a matter of Catholic conscience. Well, as a matter of Catholic conscience, where was the Cardinal when our government chose to go into the war in Iraq and the Bush Administration lied to the American people? Where was the good Cardinal when many have been speaking out about the atrocities committed in our name in Iraq? Where was the Cardinal when there were peace demonstrations to bring the troops home and end the war in Iraq? Or what about the scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church in recent years in the pedophilia cases within the Church? The Catholic Church enjoys tax benefits given to it but needs to not meddle in matters of breaking laws. Otherwise maybe they should lose their tax benefits to help pay for all the costs of Illegal immigrants in this country. How about walking the talk for a change instead of preaching about matters that continue to weaken us socially and economically. And to quote Lou Dobbs, "This is the same Cardinal who fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keep secret all documents related to pedophilia among priests. But the Cardinal and other Catholic leaders are quick to embrace the laws of bankruptcy protection in order to not compensate victims of sexual abuse by members of the clergy and keep them out of the U.S. judicial system. So far, five such dioceses have done just that."

Senator Ted Kennedy is a politician and has always embraced causes for the underdogs in our society. I don't blame him for taking this position that I totally disagree with. But the Cardinal and the Catholic Church are another matter.

UPDATE: March 8, 2007
Can you believe this news item:

From the L.A. Times today titled, "California law violates gays' rights, ex-priest says" comes the following. "A former Roman Catholic priest said in court Wednesday that the rights of homosexuals have been violated by a state law that makes it easier to prosecute gay pedophiles than heterosexual child molesters.

It apparently was the first time that gay rights had been introduced into the ongoing prosecution of current and former Catholic priests alleged to have molested children."

Unbelievable! That's the only word for it.

To read the entire L.A. Times piece click here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please use a spell checker.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Charles Amico said...

Thanks for your comment.

11:12 AM  
Blogger steveindepere said...

The Roman Catholic Church wouldn't give a damn about "immigrant's rights" if those immigrants were not almost all Catholics. Imagine the cardinals making public statements, even forming opinions at all, if large numbers of Swedish Lutherans, Nigerian Anglicans or Australian Baptists were crossing our borders. No, its because they see the possibility of full churches and schools from high birth rates among Spanish-speaking immigrants. As was already mentioned, the Catholic church doesn't hesitate to use the bankruptcy laws to evade their moral obligations to victims of sexual abuse by priests, yet they claim the moral high ground in their concern for immigrants. However you look at it, the Roman Catholic Church's publich actions in our society are always motivated by self-interest, and the higher their moral claim, the deeper should our suspicion be.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides all the Central and South Americans, it should be pointed out that huge numbers of illegals come from Ireland Poland , and the Phillipines, too; all more than 90% catholic.

9:25 PM  

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