U.S. fatalities for June 2007

U.S. Fatalities for June totals 101. This compares to 61 for June in 2006. This is almost double that of last year. You will see claims that things are getting better in Iraq from the "surge" strategy. Here's the data for June for the past 4 years:
June 2003 30
June 2004 42
June 2005 78
June 2006 61
June 2007 101
The chart above shows the 4 year totals for the same period July-June of each year. Below is the actual data from the chart:
Jul 2003-Jun. 2004 656
Jul. 2004-Jun. 2005 883
Jul. 2005-Jun. 2006 790
Jul. 2006-Jun. 2007 1043
Let there be no doubt as to the trend up in U.S Fatalities. If we continue using the current ineffective, fatal, strategy, the numbers will escalate, as they did in Vietnam. Don't believe things are getting better in Iraq. It's about the Oil there!
I heard Rep. King (R) from NY this morning on CNN. When asked do you think things will be better by September? Rep. King said, "By September we should 'START' to hear things are getting better in Iraq." This is a clue of the strategy that will be employed by the Administration and those sympathizers like Senator Joe Lieberman. The word "start" is the key word to focus on. This most assuredly will mean they will ask for more time, as the strategy is "beginning to work". Don't be fooled or shame on you. There is no desire to leave Iraq. Only we can make that happen by raising our collective voices. Bring the troops home!
Labels: Iraq, Joe Leiberman CNN, Rep. King, surge, U.S. Fatalities
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