Headline reads: Mukasey refuses to judge waterboarding
The reason he will not render a simple legal opinion is because if he rules that it is torture, it puts not only the CIA officials in legal jeopardy, but also it would raise the possibility that both President Bush, VP Cheney, Rumsfeld and former CIA head George Tenet have condoned and defied our rule of law and the Geneva Convention. However, this is the truth of what they have condoned and there should be consequences if we are a nation of laws.
They claim it is justified but in truth, don't all those that torture justify it for one reason or another. The purpose of the Geneva Convention was to hold to account all signatories of the Treaty in a common understanding of what was right and what was wrong. If the Administration under President Bush and VP Cheney believe they were correct in the use of this technique to gain vital information to protect our nation against more terrorist attacks, they should be willing to go before the American people and let the legal battle play out here and if necessary, in the World Court. Otherwise we mock our Constitution and they mock the oath they swore to on their own personal Bibles. I ask these self proclaimed Christians, what would Jesus do? I believe you all have violated your own beliefs and values as a Christian.
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Labels: Attorney General, Constitution, Geneva Convention, Mukasey, President Bush, torture, VP Cheney, waterboarding, World Court