Republican Party Convention dilemma
While listening to McCain I heard him sounding as though he was President. He spoke as if he was in charge of all this preparation. He complemented all involved and said how things were working so well between Federal, State and Local officials. We shall see if his statements prove true.
The Christian Right religious leaders haven't leveled this charge because it is happening during the Republican Party Convention. If it were the Democratic Convention you would be hearing Rev. Pat Roberts saying that God was bringing down his fury because if the policies of the Democratic Party on same sex marriage, abortion rights and other issues that tend to inflame passions. But they are silent today. Very interesting! :))) Well actually Rev. Dobson was praying for a hurricane for last Thursday for Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic Party Convention, according to the Moderate Voice.
I have a cousin who is an official delegate to the Republican Convention. I would love to know what he thinks of McCain's choice as VP. But I have heard nothing. :)
One of the benefits of this hurricane is that it doesn't show the crowd difference and support for Barack Obama as compared to what John McCain will have. He is very lucky to be able to get out of this and he knows it. The press was already talking about the comparisons.
Labels: Barack Obama, Christian Right, John McCain, Pat Robertson, Republican Party Chairman Duncan, Republican Party Convention